INetSim Installation on Ubuntu
by The Security Goth version 1.0 dated 10th November 2012
we begin, I will occasionally put some odd notes in or write things in a very
simple/plain fashion. This is not a
slight on my readers, but just in case someone is just starting out and doesn't
have a great level of experience yet. Regular font for information Courier New Bold
for stuff to type.
Note -
in this installation the easiest way to get to the terminal is CTRL-Alt-t open one now and lock it to the launcher for
easy access.
Install OS - ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso (I used easy
mode on VMWare Workstation 7.0.0 build-203739)
There was 76 updates for my installation, install these
before continuing. Reboot in accordance with the Software Updater message (if
Switch user to root (keep your environment variables) -
sudo su
Install Perl (although mine was installed already, but best
to check anyway) -
apt-get install perl
Install Perl library Net::Server -
apt-get install libnet-server-perl
Install Perl library Net::DNS (you might already have it,
but check anyway) -
apt-get install libnet-dns-perl
Install Perl library IPC::Shareable -
apt-get install libipc-shareable-perl
Install Perl library Digest::SHA -
apt-get install libdigest-sha-perl
Install Perl library IO::Socket::SSL -
apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl
If not root already switch user to root (keep your
environment variables) -
sudo su
Create a new group called inetsim -
groupadd inetsim
Check you have a user named nobody -
cat /etc/passwd | grep nobody
Download INetSim (I am using inetsim 1.2.3) from ( -
Extract the tarball -
tar zxvf inetsim-1.2.3.tar.gz
Go into the newly extracted folder -
cd inetsim-1.2.3
run (it sorts out some permissions and stuff)
Then test to see if it will run -
Now the hard bit, configuring it the way you want it, the
way you need it. This is not included in this guide, but samples will be posted soon (hopefully).